Amazing Testimonies!

Dear Family & Friends,

It’s with great joy I’m writing this update for you. I get to share the amazing ways God is working in Rockville! There are always challenges in ministry, but this update I would like to highlight the victories of God’s Kingdom in Rockville. I was going to wait and share in person since I’m coming home in a couple of weeks, but decided I should give an update.

In an earlier blog update I wrote about a young lady I started counseling who has been through unspeakable tragedy and loss. She has had a serious struggle with cutting herself over the past months. She attempted suicide a couple of months ago and was sent to “suicide watch”. After this transpired it was suggested she start counseling with me. I met with her and she was willing to start working together on the different struggles. We’ve been wrestling through the death of two of her young children, the abuse from her ex-boyfriend, and the guilt she’s been burdened with for making wrong choices. It’s been a hard journey to say the least, but last week God gave Cynthia a breakthrough. Wednesday evenings I stay at the facility until 6:00pm for choir practice, and last week Chaplain Deakins received a call that Cynthia was requesting to speak with me immediately. She was very upset. She came into the chapel offices in tears and I feared the worst. We sat down together and I asked her what’s going on. I had given her a book on guilt to read and take notes on so we could discuss it together. She had been reading the book alongside with Romans 5 and couldn’t read pass verse 8. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

In tears she testified, “I knew Jesus died on the cross, but it finally touched my heart in a new way. I broke into tears because I realized that it was my sin he paid for on the cross. Because he loved me he was nailed on that cross. I deserve to die, but Jesus paid the price. My guilt is also nailed to that cross and I can find freedom in Christ! I can’t describe how I feel, but a burden has been lifted. What do I do now?” 

I had shivers listening to her because I could see the Holy Spirit working within her. There are no words that can accurately express the joy I experienced. I couldn’t stop smiling! I wish you could see the smile I still have on my face. Cynthia couldn’t understand why she was in tears, but I assured her that the tears were a good thing and this was a milestone in her journey of faith. She greatly encouraged me. I told her if I could give her a hug I would. Not only was I thankful for the hope Cynthia found in Christ alone, but she reminded me of something very important. This is what I journaled that evening:

How easily I take foregranted the love Jesus displayed on the cross. How easily I forget the power of the cross. How easily I loose the wonder of what Jesus did. How easily I stand in the shadow of the cross, but forget to rejoice in the hope of the risen Saviour. How easily I loose my excitement to live for Christ and share the hope of the cross. I don’t ever want to take foregranted the love shown at the cross. I don’t ever want to forget the cost Jesus took so I would have freedom. I don’t ever want to loose the joy Jesus gives. Forgive me when I think sharing the gospel is boring. Forgive me when I wonder if what I’m doing really makes a difference. This work is not about me, but all about Jesus! Forgive me when fix my my eyes on earthly matters instead of having my eyes fixed of the Perfecter of my faith. Give me the faith to believe miracles do happen. Give me the excitment to share the Gospel – not because it’s my duty, but because it’s true! May I live like every day is my last!

The next day I spoke with Cynthia and the joy of Christ was shinning through her! Nobody could take that smile off her face or rob her of the freedom she found. I spoke with Cynthia today and she still has her struggles, but she has joy in her voice.

Thank you for your prayers for Cynthia! This is a true work of the Holy Spirit and I’m humbled to be an instrument in the Redeemer’s hands. Keep praying as we keep running the race set out for us, and as Cynthia will need to fight hard against the devil.

There is another lady who is a great encouragement to me. I’m so thankful because Heather is growing in leaps and bounds in her faith! Her understanding of the Scripture is impressive and her desire to dig deep is inspiring to me. She is committed to Jesus and nothing is going to shake her faith in Christ. When she’s released she is determined to run from the life of drugs, and run the race of faith she’s on. Heather’s questions and level of maturity made me turn to Heidelberg Catechism with her for the first time last week. I opened to Lord’s Day 1 and we began to read/ discuss it together. She was very excited to discover this new treasure. She’s part of a Bible study I started and Friday morning she expressed she has a load of questions to ask me from the catechism. I look forward to my meetings with Heather every Wednesday. She is someone I take more time with than most because we start studying together and it’s hard to stop!

Please also pray for Heather! May God continue to greatly bless our meetings together. I’m challenged by her questions and inspired by her dedication to Christ. When we first started meeting she was deeply confused and overwhelmed by “the darkness,” (partly due to the drugs) but now she says, “There’s nothing that nobody can tell me that will shake my faith! I can see because the light of Christ.”

I wish I could show you pictures of these ladies, but I can’t take any technology into the prison. I must request a camera to use for any photos. I hope to take some photos of the ladies to share. I had the great joy to witness 70 ladies be baptized a couple of weeks ago, and hope to request permission to share some of those photos with you as well.

God is richly blessing the ministry! I’ve witnessed many miracles in the last month especially and give all praise to my King! There’s much more I could share, but I hope I can do that personally with you.

Thank you for your prayers, your support and please don’t stop! God is working! Something ground-breaking in happening in Rockville and I’m blessed to be part of it. I look forward to seeing my family & friends and being with my church family soon!





Heart behind Ecuador

Many of you have been asking questions about my plans to Ecuador and I haven’t always given the best answers, but if you’ll listen, I’ll share my heart behind the plans.

First, I would like to throw this thought out there…

There are many people who give an impressive outward appearance and we judge others by the visual presentation we’re given, but I wonder how many of these people are lonely, hurting or hiding fears inside? Being real with people is hard. It puts us in an uncomfortable spot, but I also wonder how people would change and relationships if we were more real with one another? Not to the whole world, but with the people the Lord has put on our path.

Why do I mention this? Well, let me be honest with you… I’m very thankful for the opportunity to visit Ecuador for a few months [Lord willing] to have a taste of the mission field, but there’s a lot behind my smile you see in the Ecuador pictures. It’s easy to share the best pictures from a mission trip and sound very excited, but it’s hard to share my honest thoughts behind the mission. Sharing Jesus is the heartbeat of my mission wherever I am, and I’ve learned so much through the opportunities I’ve had locally and in my different travels. Now the Lord is opening the door to visit Ecuador which is very exciting because missions overseas has been on my heart for many years. It’s time to take this step as I prayerfully move forward in this desire to serve.

You may think this all sounds good, but please know I don’t have it altogether. The emotions that run through my heart as I think about visiting Ecuador for a few months are very real and can be a struggle. Yes, I trust the Lord is guiding every detail as the journey unfolds, but humanly I wrestle with:

~Becoming burnt-out

~Missing loved ones

~Feeling very inadequate

~Fear of disappointing others

~Being a hinderance instead of a blessing

~Not grasping the language [Spanish] well enough to communicate

As I wrestle through these struggles Christ faithfully meets me in them and reminds me that He is holding me tight. Right now as I reach out to others I desire to do it in Christ’s strength, love, wisdom, faith and perseverance; that is my prayer when I go to Ecuador. Today I just finished the book: Joni and Ken: An Untold Love Story, and I can’t get the following words from Joni Eareckson Tada out of my mind…

[As Ken and Joni were giving a speech] Joni thought to herself, But they mustn’t think of us as extraordinary or heroic. They mustn’t think of me that way – a celebrity from the West with wings on her wheelchair who smiles and paint and writes and sings. I must find a way to tell them more clearly how we struggle with so many things and fall short so often, just as they do.

I pray I never go to Ecuador thinking I’ll be a great Christian, counselor, musician or young person and hope the Lord keeps me from ever thinking that I will be great because I’m so weak without Jesus. This trip is not about me using my counseling skills professionally, or trying to be like other great missionaries. It’s about growing closer to Jesus as I’m given a taste of the mission field and pray I’ll have a humble, teachable spirit as the Lord gives opportunities to grow in Ecuador.

It’s not about us. It’s about giving glory to our Heavenly Father. It’s about being Jesus to people we rubber shoulders with. It’s about loving others well through the Holy Spirit.

This is why I hope to travel to Ecuador.

What about you?  Where has the Lord placed you?

How are you showing others that it’s not about you, but all about Christ?

Are you willing to cross the painline and be real with people?






Set the Example

Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not vain.”

-1 Corinthians 15:58

1 Corinthians 15:58 is the theme verse I was given years ago by my family when I first came to Canada. My Opa and Opoe had it framed so I could hang it up and I can’t tell you how often it has served as a reminder to be faithful in the work God has called me to. I’ve come to treasure the verse, not just because of its encouragement, but because my Dad’s parents were faithful in living out the verse they gave to me. Their service to the Lord was a beautiful example of what it means to take in and live out this verse in 1 Corinthians 15. I have fond memories of my Opoe and Opa Batterink and have been encouraged my the legacy of faith they left behind. I had a special relationship with my Opa and he was undoubtly the first person in my life to impact me immensely in Christ. Up until the day he was taken to Glory, he gave himself fully to the work of the Lord because he rested in Christ and all his efforts in service to Christ were invested in Christ’s winning cause. My Opa was far from perfect, and he made a lasting impact on my life because he shared his weaknesses with me, his granddaughter. I think we shared a special relationship because we would spend so much talking about the Gospel, and he was never ashamed to be real with me. He never claimed or tried to be perfect because he knew that would diminish the work Christ completed on the cross. I felt safe with him because he would listen to any struggle I had and I never felt judged. He showed me what love rooted in Christ is, and he set the example of faith that he wanted me to one day call my own. He helped engrave this verse from 1 Corinthians 15 on my heart by living it out in his everyday life. He showed me you don’t have to be a pastor, a missionary, or the most respected Christian leader to serve in big ways for the Lord. He labored in the Lord as a husband, a father, a grandfather, a farmer, an elder, a friend, a mentor and just an ordinary man in the community. His labors left lasting impacts because his efforts were done in Christ, not in his own strength.

I think this is, and should be, the desire and task of every Christian: to set the example of a living and saving faith. To show what it looks like practically in everyday life to labor in the Lord faithfully. This should be the pray for every parent and grandparent especially because they are often the first ones who will influence their children and grandchildren. My parents and grandparents could have given me 1 Corinthians 15:58 as a theme verse for my life, but if they did not love Jesus and desire to live out the truths of the Bible first, then I most likely wouldn’t have been attracted to the Word and to Jesus Christ.

Do you want to impact a life for Christ? Do you desire to set the example of being a laborer in the Lord? Don’t think you have to do great and glorious works in God’s kingdom to shine. The Christians who have impacted me the most are those who are first real with one another. They didn’t strive to be strong, courageous or have life altogether. Their love and dependence in Christ is what encourages my heart the most.

You see, ultimately, the love my Opa had for service in God’s kingdom pointed me to Someone who set before us the greatest example of love ever shown to mankind. Jesus. He was willing to be humiliated for me, put to death on the cross for my sins, and rose victoriously so that I could live with him one day in Heaven. Jesus didn’t do that just for me, but for you, your family, and the community you’ve been placed in.

Will you join me in confessing we need to be washed in Jesus’ blood…daily?!

Will you join me in prayer that we would be faithful servants of the Gospel?

Will you join in me in the desire to be active, godly laborers in the Lord?

Give yourselves fully to the work, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”

Start where you are. Labor in love.

Stand firm. Let nothing move you.

Lose your life in Christ to find the life worth living for.
